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Observing and hearing what is often unseen, unheard, but present.



Moving in response to the environment.



Settling into stillness, quiet elegance, breath in space.








What is there to fear of becoming more of what I want?


What will the body be capable of?


What is transformational?


What could emerge?

A sense of play, of searching

for her, being allowed close.


The intimacy of the spaces.​​


​Dynamic shifts in the light

& wind.


Elemental sounds.


The poetry of place.


"One should use, 'the whole

of one's body to instruct the


'". [Robert MacFarlane, Introduction to, The Living

Mountain, Nan Shepherd, 2011 Canongate books]​​​​​


A mycelian depth to the sound

The sense of experiencing internal and external worlds: the visceral nature of the effort of the body underpinned by arhythmic sounds from the understorey, while at the same time experiencing the presence of the surrounding landscape through the melody of birdsong and the wind in the overstorey.

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